Ricky M.- Living in the Philippines

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Starting Out

Years ago, I had a very busy online life. Aside from surfing, I was heavily into chatting to the point that I even got addicted to 'mIRC', a chat facility which was very popular then. Webcams were non-existent then, and 'mIRC' was highly popular to people who were high strung and wanted to converse. Unlike todays counterparts where usually people prefere conversing one-on-one, in 'mIRC' you would converse as a group. You would enter a server like 'Undernet' then pick a room which had a name descriptive of the theme like 'insomniacs'. Anything you would type would be seen by all the people in the room. It could be one hell of a mess when so many people would chat at the same time. The screen could scroll up so fast that it would be hard to catch up. Of course you could pick one person and have a personal chat with him or her. Nowadays people chat in internet cafe's to avail of the higher bandwidth which is needed for webcams.

Nowadays I hardly chat. If ever, in Yahoo Messenger with only a few of my friends. This usually happens when I am surfing on the net and can't use the phone to talk to them.

High bandwidth has made surfing much more fun. Webpages are richer with a lot of graphics. Videos are now becoming commonplace specially in the bigger search engines. I get to watch movie trailers in those videos once in awhile. The other month I even tried to get into singing with this website which not only had songs but also their lyrics(http://www.tristancafe.com/music/).

Aside from the television, I now get my news from the web. My favorite is the news from Yahoo. Other websites which I frequent are www.cnn.com for the mainstream news and www.newstarget.com which isn't exactly mainstream and is heavily into health news.

I sometimes take a look at forums and check out prices in computer shop websites. I also downloaded 'google earth' and periodically check out places around the world.

Blogging caught my attention when I read that blogging is beginning to be so popular that it is beginning to catch up with mainstream news with its popularity. Besides, there are days that I would just want to share my experiences and my sometimes wierd ideas with people. I guess I'll be busy tonight fixing the settings on this blog. Being more of a nerd than an artist, don't expect much from the design of the site, at least not yet.